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​NMN - Quality Over Quantity! Must-Read 3 Major NMN Myths!
July 18,2024

In recent years, more and more people are choosing to take NMN products to combat aging caused by the passage of time. As the number of people taking NMN increases, this health habit is becoming more popular, and there are more and more NMN products on the market. How do we choose the right NMN product for ourselves? Or, are you still not very familiar with NMN products and are hesitating? This article will address the three major myths about NMN!

Myth 1: Can NMN be Obtained from Diet?

Besides being naturally present in the human body, NMN is also found in various foods such as broccoli, avocados, tomatoes, cabbage, and mushrooms. However, these foods contain only minimal amounts of NMN. For the human body to achieve the optimal supplement effect, it needs to absorb 250mg of NMN daily. If relying solely on the NMN content in food, a person would need to eat 100kg of broccoli or 69kg of avocados daily, which is virtually impossible. Therefore, one cannot rely solely on natural foods to absorb NMN. Directly taking NMN supplements is more effective than obtaining it from natural foods.

Myth 2: NMN Products Are Always Expensive?

Not necessarily! It's true that some NMN products on the market are priced higher because the extraction technology for NMN is very demanding, which raises the cost significantly to ensure product safety. Additionally, producing NMN products must receive international recognition and authoritative research to verify their ingredients and efficacy. However, this does not mean that all NMN products on the market are overpriced. Urban residents can still purchase NMN supplements manufactured by internationally recognized pharmaceutical companies at reasonable prices.

Myth 3: Taking Only NMN Is Enough?

While NMN intake can indeed delay aging, relying solely on NMN for anti-aging may progress slowly. In contrast, combining NMN with other antioxidant ingredients can yield better results. Resveratrol, which also has antioxidant properties, can produce a synergistic effect when taken with NMN, bringing better benefits to the skin.

To combat aging and achieve anti-aging, in addition to establishing healthy eating habits, why not try taking NMN? It might bring a new chapter to your skin!

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